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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Scheduled clinics

We run a range of clinics at Roundwell Medical Centre. If you wish to request an appointment, please visit our appointments page.


For new pregnancies, please complete the online self referral form within 6 weeks on the NNUH website.

Postnatal checks

Patients will be invited in to have a postnatal check at eight weeks.

Child health and immunisations

Babies will be invited for a general check at eight weeks old. All child immunisations are carried out by the practice nurse at the surgery.

Minor injury

If you have sustained a minor injury we will be happy to treat you at the medical centre. However, if you have a severe burn or severe bleeding, or cannot bear weight on a limb then it would be more appropriate to attend accident and emergency at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. If you are in any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Minor surgery

Minor operations can be done in our treatment room for excision of sebaceous cysts,  removal of moles, curettage of symptomatic sebborrhoeic warts, excision of fibroepithelial polyps (if symptomatic).

Please discuss this with your doctor who will then arrange for you to be given an appointment if appropriate.


This clinic offers advice and general health check-ups to patients diagnosed with diabetes by a nurse who specialise in diabetes.


Nurses who specialised in asthma and COPD will offer advice and general health check to patients diagnosed with asthma or COPD.

If you have been advised by the surgery to do so, please submit an asthma review or COPD assessment.

Long term conditions

Our clinical pharmacist will offer annual check-ups to patients diagnosed with long term conditions.

Flu immunisations

We offer immunisation against these every autumn. We would advise that people over the age of 65 years, and all those suffering from certain medical conditions such as asthma or diabetes should be immunised.

Pneumococcal vaccines

Pneumococcal vaccines are available for 3 groups of people who need to be vaccinated against pneumococcal:

  • Babies.
  • People aged 65 and over.
  • Anyone between the ages of 2 and 65 with a long term health condition such as serious heart or kidney conditions.

NHS health checks (Aged 40-74)

These include advice regarding diet, healthy lifestyle and other general medical advice, including the management of minor illnesses.

Contraception and hormone replacement therapy

Our practice nurses are able to do routine check-ups for those on HRT, the contraceptive pill and injection, and cervical screening tests.

If you have been advised by the surgery to do so, please submit a contraceptive pill review form.

Contraception (Emergency)

Our team of clinicians will be happy to discuss your contraception needs. If you do require emergency contraception we will be able to provide advice and offer free emergency contraception (morning after pill). Emergency contraception can also be obtained from local pharmacies and iCaSH, 1A Oak Street Norwich, NR3 3QZ. They can be contacted by telephone on 0300 300 3030 (option 3 for Norfolk and option 1 for Norwich)

Health promotion

Our practice nurses offer a full range of health checks and advice regarding diet and healthy lifestyle.

Routine cervical screening tests

All women between the ages of 25 and 64 years are included in the NHS cervical screening programme. Women are called for screening as they approach their 25th birthday and are then recalled every three years up to the age of 49 and then every five years from age 50 up to 64.

You will be sent a letter asking you to make an appointment with the practice nurse. If your cervical screening test is not due then we are unable to provide this service for you. The results of your cervical screening test will be sent to you direct.

Cervical screening tests search for abnormal cells on the cervix, or neck of the womb, which may possibly become cancerous, but which can be easily treated before they become harmful.

Breast screening or mammography

All women between 50 and 70 years of age will be offered an appointment for a mammogram at three-yearly intervals. At present, in the Norwich area, most women receive their first invitation when they are 51 years old.

Women over the age of 70 years are welcome to attend for mammography every three years, but will need to refer themselves to the breast screening unit at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, phone 01603 283777.

Should you wish to have advice about examining your own breasts, please request an appointment with our practice nurse.

Additional services

  • Routine blood tests and injections
  • Removal of stitches and changing of surgical dressings

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 17 July 2024